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Tag Archives: UN

Ala: Briefing of investigation committee on Syria contains baseless allegations

Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva Hussam Eddin Ala said that the briefing by the head international investigation committee on Syria …

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Al-Khalil: Protecting victims of terrorism begins by addressing actual causes of its spread

New York, SANA – First Secretary of Syria’s Permanent Delegation to the UN Wael al-Khalil said that protecting the rights of victims of terrorism should begin by addressing the real …

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Al-Jaafari: Ending suffering of Syrians in Idleb requires ending investment in terrorism

New York, SANA_ Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that Syria has reservations over the politicized approaches of some UN Security Councils member states regarding …

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Ala: Latest report on human rights situation in Syria full of fallacies

Geneva, SANA – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the UN office and other international organizations in Geneva, Hussam Eddin Ala, said that the discussion of the human rights situation in Syria …

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Mikdad: Syria will continue providing support to UNRWA

Damascus, SANA – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad on Monday met Michael Ebye-Amanya, the new Director of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) office …

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Foreign Ministry: Israeli aggression on Syria part of attempts to prolong crisis

Damascus, SANA – The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said on Monday that the Israeli aggression carried out at dawn on Damascus and its Countryside is an attempt to prolong the …

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Security Council extends UNDOF mission in occupied Golan for six months

New York, SANA – The Security Council on Friday extended the mission of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the occupied Syrian Golan for six months. The UN …

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UN General Assembly demands that Israel withdraw from entirety of occupied Syrian Golan

New York, SANA – The majority of the UN General Assembly member states reiterated their demand that Israel withdraw from the entirety of the occupied Syrian Golan up to the …

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Munzer: Syria’s sovereign right over occupied Syrian Golan not up for negotiation, relinquishment, or prescription

New York, SANA – Acting charge d’affaires of Syria’s permanent delegation at the UN Munzer Munzer said that Syria’s sovereign right over the occupied Syrian Golan is not up for …

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UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly in favor of resolution affirming Syria’s sovereignty over occupied Golan

New York, SANA – The UN General Assembly on Friday voted in overwhelming majority in favor of a draft resolution affirming Syria’s sovereignty over the occupied Golan and considering all …

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